Saturday 16 June 2018

Now it will take five minutes to make your driving license

Now it will take five minutes to make your driving license

Varanasi As much as it was difficult to make a driving license till a year ago, it became as easy as the growing use of the Chariotee 4 app. With the release of the brokers in the office of the Transport Department, this app has started getting people driving licenses home. That is why DL applicants are getting very ease. Not only that, the crowd of people has started to decrease even in the Department of Transportation.

Online application

In order to make DL first, where the applicants had to resort to brokers to avoid crowds and frequent run-offs, the activation of people is being seen in the online transport department’s Sarathi portal. Speaking of Benaras, 80 applications are accepted every day. After this, the application is not accepted on this website. But since the arrival of this new facility, the one thing that is arriving is that there is a lot of decrease in the crowd that made the DL in the office. Earlier this figure had come across 300.

Your Driving Licence in hand in five minutes

Those who make online applications do not have to wait now to get the license and get their copy. As soon as the process of application is completed on the Sharthi website, a message comes on registered mobile. On the basis of the same message it gets printed which works of DL. In such a way, your DL is in your hand as soon as the message arrives.

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